Profiles: Lena Dunham
For a long time I thought Lena Dunham was my little secret. Sure, her feature Tiny Furniture (in which she wrote/directed/stars in) was getting critical buzz, but I was the only one in my circle of...
View ArticleProfiles: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Here are some figures for you: 40 films, 24 stage plays, and 2 multi-hour television miniseries – all in the span of 13 years. Who is this prolific monster? That would be German film director Rainer...
View ArticleProfiles: Oliver Stone
When it comes to directors I like my Oliver Stone like I like my women – bat shit crazy. I want images to fly off the screen that have little to do with the story at hand but everything to do with the...
View ArticleProfiles: Neveldine/Taylor
I was pretty inebriated when I watched the end of Pathology (2008) last night. I had not been for the first two-thirds of the film, which I had quite enjoyed, but around the time that Alyssa Milano...
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